Webinar: No dusty matter – DMT presents the fascinating world of test dusts

When dust is finally welcome and needed – DMT can help!

Dust is a unique thing: our companion everywhere and at all times. We find it not only at home (more than we like), but even in clean rooms – if the particle counter is sensitive enough. Therefore, there is no escape from it. And we have to put up with it as best as we can. But we have vacuum cleaners, HVAC systems with filters and a lot of more equipment to deal with it. And to ensure the function of such equipment we need standards to test them and test dusts.

DMT has a quite long history in manufacturing test dusts. In the seventies we started with the production of test dusts for own filter and deduster (dust collector) testing purposes. In the 1990’s it was expanded by manufacturing of test dusts for vacuum cleaning testing purposes (IEC 60312, today IEC 62885). The range of test dusts at DMT has been continuously enlarged to more than 50 different types, including test dusts for environmental testing.

The webinar will explain what distinguishes test dusts and what the differences are to reference materials. Instructions are given on how to handle test dusts (e.g. characteristics of test dusts incl. safety instructions – VDI 3954 part 1:2019). Information will be presented on their production, quality control and the dust analytical methods used by DMT. In addition, we want to exchange experiences about the possible uses of test dusts and show how DMT can support you in the production of application-oriented test dusts according to your Needs.


Registration for the webinar: September 14, 2021, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

<link https: www.edudip.com en webinar no-dusty-matter-dmt-presents-the-fascinating-world-of-test-dusts>No dusty matter – DMT presents the fascinating world of test dusts (edudip.com)
